How to get Overwatch 2 Socialite Ashe Legendary Skin through Twitch drops

June 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Overwatch 2 is known to give away free skins and other cosmetic items. These skins and items can be acquired by completing in-game challenges or through Twitch Drops. As Season 3 approaches, players will soon get the opportunity to obtain the Socialite Ashe Legendary Skin and the Ashe Seven of Spades Spray for free through Twitch Drops.

Season 2 of the shooter was huge. Players got to take part in multiple limited-time events, such as the Winter Wonderland, Lunar New Year, Battle for Olympus, and more. Additionally, plenty of free skins were given out throughout its run. However, the season is in its last days, and news of the next one has already started flooding the internet.

Socialite Ashe Legendary Skin can be obtained by watching Twitch Overwatch 2 streams

Season 3 of Overwatch 2 is just around the corner, and with it comes numerous exciting items and rewards. This time around, players will be able to acquire two in-game cosmetics right off the bat. The Socialite Ashe Legendary Skin and the Ashe Seven of Spades Spray can be availed by watching Twitch streams.

To get them, fans must watch livestreams in the official Overwatch 2 category on Twitch from February 7, 2023, to February 21, 2023.

Here's how long players will have to watch to earn the rewards:

  • Two hours of live streams watched will get players the Ashe Seven of Spades Spray.
  • Four hours of live streams watched will get players the Socialite Ashe Legendary Skin.
  • However, simply watching streams won't make the skins appear on one's account. Players must ensure that their and Twitch accounts are linked. They should also make sure that their account is set up to receive Twitch Drops.

    Players can watch any streamer in the Overwatch 2 category. They can even switch between streamers and don't have to watch it continuously to meet the requirements. This is because the amount of time watched is counted in totality.

    More about the Socialite Ashe Legendary Skin in Overwatch 2

    The Socialite Ashe Legendary Skin isn't new to the game and has been present since 2019. However, it will be making a return in Season 3, giving veteran players and newcomers alike a chance to grab it. The skin provides a complete overhaul to both Ashe and her Omnic sidekick BOB.

    As the name suggests, both characters receive an elite fashion makeover, taking them away from their street gang origins. Ashe's Viper is engraved in gold, giving it a premium look. Moreover, her Dynamite is no longer a simple bomb but rather a classy purse.

    These are just a few modifications that the Hero will get. This skin was quite popular back in the day, and with its return, fans are elated at the prospect of acquiring it for free.

    This is all there is to know about acquiring the Socialite Ashe Legendary Skin. Apart from these two free rewards, Season 3 is set to receive a host of new content, such as the new Mythic Amaterasu Kiriko Skin, a new Antarctic map, and more.

    Overwatch 2 Season 2 is live and available for download on PC (via, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch.

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