Get free 1.75 million Gold from Clash Chess event

June 2024 · 5 minute read

Supercell has joined hands with this month, and tons of new content has made its way into Clash Royale with the launch of King’s Gambit Season in September 2023. The Chess Royale game mode, accompanied by themed cosmetics, is certainly at the core of the new season, while the Chess Clash event, offering a generous 1.75 million Gold for free, has captured the attention of players.

You must solve three simple chess puzzles between September 14, 2023, and September 28, 2023, to get the free in-game currency. The first initial puzzle yields 250,000 Gold, the second puzzle is worth 500,000 Gold, and the final one offers a massive one million Gold.

This article provides solutions to each puzzle offered in the mini so you can easily win 1.75 million Gold in your account.

Clash Chess event in Clash Royale: Solutions for all chess puzzles

The exact set of puzzles in the new Clash Chess event will vary slightly. However, we have you covered. This article lists all the Clash Royale Chess Puzzles solutions, and you can follow the instructions to get the corresponding rewards.

Search for the solutions on the webpage using the string of four characters (Image via Supercell)

Each puzzle is coded with opponent moves like A8B8, B7A7, and so forth, as shown in the image above. You can find the solution to the puzzles using the same.

Clash Royale Chess Puzzle Solutions for free 250,000 Gold

1) Capture the Queen in two moves (A8B8)

2) Win the game in two moves (B7A7)

3) Checkmate in two moves (C3C2)

4) Win the game in two moves (D6E5)

5) Win the Rook in two moves (F7G6)

6) Capture the Rook with a double attack (H8G8)

7) Checkmate in two moves (H8H7)

Clash Royale Chess Puzzle Solutions for free 500,000 Gold

1) Win the game in two moves (A4D7)

2) Capture the Knight in two moves (A8C7)

3) Win the game in two moves (B6A6)

4) Win the game in two moves (C4C3)

5) Checkmate in two moves (C8C7)

6) Checkmate in two moves (D8C8)

7) Checkmate in two moves (F8G8)

8) Capture the Queen in two moves (G8H7)

9) Win the game in two moves (H5G6)

10) Checkmate in two moves (H7G5)

Clash Royale Chess Puzzle Solutions for free 1,000,000 Gold

1) Win the game in two moves (E5D4)

2) Checkmate in two moves (E6F5)

3) Win the game in two moves (F7G6)

4) Win the game in two moves (G7G5)

5) Checkmate in two moves (G8E7)

Steps to get free 1.75 million Gold in Clash Royale

You can follow these instructions to receive rewards:

Step 1: Access your account and click the globe icon in the top right corner.

Step 2: Select the News section and tap the Solve Chess Puzzles for Free Gold option. A new tab will open in the web browser.

Step 3: Use the solutions provided in the article above and any puzzle on the screen. Claim the rewards to get the rewards in your account.

Given that it only takes a few minutes to get 1.75 million Gold in Clash Royale, you should not miss out on this opportunity.

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