Cody Calafiore Is The Massive Betting Favorite To Win "Big Brother 22"

June 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Cody Calafiore has been the best player of Big Brother 22, and it's undoubtedly his game to lose.

Cody, the Big Brother 16 runner-up, finds himself in a great position to take home the $500,000 prize. He won this week's Power of Veto competition and will cast the lone vote to evict either Christmas Abbott or Nicole Franzel, his biggest ally this season.

Both Nicole and Enzo Palumbo, last week's Head of Household winner, have expressed the wish to take Cody to the final two. So even if Cody doesn't end up winning the final HOH competition next week, there's a good chance he'll reach the finals anyway.

So it's no surprise that Cody is the overwhelming betting favorite to win this year's show.

Odds Shark lists him as the -175 favorite to take home the $500,000. Enzo is a distant second at +175, followed by Christmas (+750) and Nicole (+850).

Cody has won three HOH and four Power of Veto competitions. With seven competition wins, Cody should theoretically have an easy time convincing the Big Brother jury that h e's the deserving winner.

For Cody, it also bodes well that he didn't exactly have any bad relationships with the houseguests in the jury.

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He was in an alliance with jury members Dani Briones, Tyler Crispen and Memphis Garrett. Christmas or Nicole will soon join the jury, and if Cody reaches the finals, one has to think he'd receive the vote of Enzo or Nicole - whichever one of them doesn't make it to the end.

Nicole, Christmas and Enzo don't come lose to matching Cody when it comes to competition victories. His jury management, which is always a key factor, has been very good.

Cody lost to his ally, Derrick Levasseur, in the Big Brother 16 finals. Fast forward six years later, and Cody is on the verge of joining his friend in the club of Big Brother winners.

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