5 best ball carriers in world football at the moment

June 2024 ยท 6 minute read

Ball carriers are very important in football. These players are tasked with carrying the ball across long distances and helping their side advance up the pitch whilst taking several opponents out of the game.

Ball carriers possess the power to break through defensive lines and create crucial opportunities for their team to score goals. Navigating through a sea of opponents helps them showcase their exceptional footwork and speed, often leaving defenders trailing in their wake.

Moreover, ball carriers are crucial in maintaining possession and controlling the tempo of the game, allowing their team to dictate the flow of play. With their dynamic abilities, ball carriers become the focal point of offensive strategies and have the potential to be game-changers.

Without further ado, let's take a look at five of the best ball carriers in world football at the moment.

#5 Jack Grealish (Manchester City)

FC Internazionale v Manchester City FC - UEFA Champions League Final 2022/23

Manchester City attacker Jack Grealish is excellent with the ball at his feet. He employs a direct approach when he is in possession and loves to take on defenders. His ball progression abilities help his team make inroads in the final third and he is one of the sharpest when it comes to navigating tight spaces.

Grealish's close control and quick turns make him a nightmare to mark for opponents. Due to the way the ball seems to stick to his feet, he attracts multiple opponents at the same time thereby opening up space for his teammates to exploit.

Never one to let the pressure get to him, Grealish can always be relied upon to retain possession and is therefore a vital asset to City, especially during offensive transitions.

#4 Kylian Mbappe (Paris Saint-Germain)

Paris Saint-Germain v Clermont Foot - Ligue 1 Uber Eats

Kylian Mbappe's ball-carrying or ball progression skills have more to do with his blistering pace and quick thinking than close control. Don't get it twisted, Mbappe is an excellent dribbler who can take on multiple defenders at the same time and get the better of them with his quick feet.

The Frenchman is often seen gaining plenty of yards and advancing his team up the pitch by poking the ball ahead and chasing it down whilst beating opponents in a foot race. He is one of the most menacing attackers of the modern era and his ability with the ball at his feet has always been a crucial aspect of his skillset.

#3 Bukayo Saka (Arsenal)

Arsenal v Manchester United - Pre-Season Friendly

There's just something about left-footed attackers who are adept at dribbling that makes them unmissable on the pitch and also endears them to football fans. Bukayo Saka is a great example. At 21 years of age, Saka has already established himself as one of the finest attackers on the planet.

The Arsenal winger is one of the most technically proficient footballers in the Premier League right now. His low centre of gravity enables him to execute quick and sharp turns. Saka is also one of the best dribbles or ball carriers in Europe right now.

The ball seems to stick to Saka as though it's glued to his feet. He is nearly impossible to dispossess and can run rings around defenders thanks to his exquisite dribbling ability.

#2 Lionel Messi (Inter Miami)

Leagues Cup Cruz Azul Inter Miami Soccer

Lionel Messi is one of the greatest ball-carriers of all time. The way Messi manoeuvres the ball and wriggles out of tight spaces and jinks past tackles, it feels like he has cast a spell on the ball.

The seven-time Ballon d'Or winner's career is riddled with astounding solo runs, one of the most effective and captivating aspects of his game. Messi can run rings around defenders and he accomplishes it without having to resort to elaborate tricks. Just a drop of the shoulder or a body feint will do the trick for him.

The ball is hardly ever more than a few inches from his feet when Messi is dribbling. He has lost a yard of pace in recent times and that's perhaps the only reason why he is not at the top of this list.

#1 Vinicius Junior (Real Madrid)

Real Madrid CF v Athletic Club - LaLiga Santander

Vinicius Junior is, without a doubt, the best in the business when it comes to ball carrying. The Brazilian winger is an exceptional attacker blessed with the 'samba' flair we've come to associate with footballers emerging from the great South American nation.

In addition to his nimble-footedness, Vinicius is also blessed with spectacular speed and sharpness. He possesses an array of tricks and often gets the best of his opponents, leaving them chasing ghosts in his trail.

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